Thursday, March 13, 2014

Fractions, Fractions, and more Fractions

I had to teach three lessons this semester that I had to video record and will have to send off to Pearson to be scored.  I could choose to do ELA or Math.  Obviously...I chose math!  (Don't get me wrong....I love literacy too!)

We worked on using models to add and subtract fractions.

My focus lesson was my lesson on fractions on the number line.  This lesson was also one of my formal observations.  I turned each of my students into a fraction.  This lesson gave me a great opportunity to differentiate instruction to meet all of my students needs. 

Cutest fractions ever??????

After we made the cutest number line ever, we went on a number line scavenger hunt.  

I used task cards for this scavenger hunt.  I loved how it engaged the students and had them working together, but also had them working hard!!!  The perfect combination.  I love all the different strategies you can use to teach math!

A little preview of my next post: my students were responsible for designing their own invention and presenting it to the "patent office".  

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Sharon! I just nominated your blog for the Liebster Blog Award! This is an award for awesome blogs that have less than 200 followers. Please visit my page for more information!

    Have a wonderful week!
