Thursday, March 13, 2014

Fractions, Fractions, and more Fractions

I had to teach three lessons this semester that I had to video record and will have to send off to Pearson to be scored.  I could choose to do ELA or Math.  Obviously...I chose math!  (Don't get me wrong....I love literacy too!)

We worked on using models to add and subtract fractions.

My focus lesson was my lesson on fractions on the number line.  This lesson was also one of my formal observations.  I turned each of my students into a fraction.  This lesson gave me a great opportunity to differentiate instruction to meet all of my students needs. 

Cutest fractions ever??????

After we made the cutest number line ever, we went on a number line scavenger hunt.  

I used task cards for this scavenger hunt.  I loved how it engaged the students and had them working together, but also had them working hard!!!  The perfect combination.  I love all the different strategies you can use to teach math!

A little preview of my next post: my students were responsible for designing their own invention and presenting it to the "patent office".  

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Stuck on You: A Lesson on Magnets

This lesson on magnets was so engaging for the students!  The school where I am student teaching has so many resources to use!  I went to the library and was able to check out several different magnet kits and different types of magnets.  It is so cool having these resources!

Before the lesson I had the students make predictions on whether or not an item was magnetic. I put some tricky items on the list!  After the lesson the students went back to their desk to revise their predictions based on what they had learned.  Most students predicted that the coins were going to be magnetic so they all had to change those predictions.

After we revised our predictions we performed the experiment to determine if these items were magnetic or not. 

We used our magnets for our Fun Friday magnet station.  We used different kind of magnets to see which would hold the most paper clips.  We used our magnets around the room to find things in our classroom that were magnetic.  Then we made our own magnet to hang on our refrigerator at home! 

These girls wanted to test and see if Christian was magnetic!!

I decided to list the two magnet activities that I made on TeachersPayTeachers.  These were my first listings on that site.  Click on the pictures below to go to my listings.  The first one has been downloaded 89 times and the second one has been downloaded 122 times.  I even found them pinned on Pinterest!!

Are you wondering why the students have fractions on their shirts?  Stay Tuned........that's another post!!!!  

Monday, March 3, 2014

Read Across America Day

Friday we celebrated Read Across America Day!  It was such a fun day!!  We asked our parents to send in Dr. Seuss treats and let's just say....they came through.  Thanks parents for sending some awesome treats.  They were ALL enjoyed!  Check these out.

Say what???  Can you believe we had that many treats sent in?  It was awesome!!!  Let's just say that our room was the place to be.  (I think I even missed a picture of a few items.)

During the day we had some people scheduled to come in and read to our class.  First up....the P.E. teachers.  They were so fun!  They read the Dr. Seuss book Great Day for Up.  But, being the P.E. teachers they are, they made the kids jump up every time they read the word up.  FUN!!

Listening quietly.

Jumping up. 

In case you are wondering why our P.E. teachers are dressed up like Batman and Spider-man, well, that's another post!

Our second reader for the day was Mrs. Becky Jenkins.  She is the youth director at my mentor teacher's church.  You could tell that she just has a love for children!

Next up....Mr. Matt.  Mr. Matt is my mentor teacher's husband.  He chose There's a Wocket in my Pocket.  The kids love when Mr. Matt comes to visit!

One of the dads in our classroom read the classic Green Eggs and Ham.

The last reader for the day was none other than....Mr. Kyle!  My better half!!  He did such a great job and the kids loved him.  He read Maybe you should fly a jet?  Maybe you should be a vet?  He asked the kids what they wanted to be when they grow up after he finished reading.  The mos popular answers?  A diamond miner.  A spy.  A lion tamer.  Crazy kids!  Love that imagination!

Are you wondering why all the kids are wearing red?  I made them these awesome stickers to put on their shirts.  We had 19 things in our classroom.  

Aren't they the cutest Things you ever did see???? 

My camera was snapping all day long.  Here are a few other pics from the day.

Which treat should I choose?

We had such a fun day!!!  The students were engaged ALL day long and we were able to get through all the lessons we had planned.....even with some hyped up kids!  All of these kids have a love of reading and it shows!!