Monday, November 5, 2012

Linky-Thankful for and Currently

Linkys are the coolest way to get out there in the blogging world.  This month there are two that I found-the Top 10 Things I am Thankful For and the November Currently.  I love learning more about my fellow bloggers with these linkys. 

Saturday, November 3, 2012

My first Classroom Purchase, I won a Give-a-way, Mid-Terms, and FALL BREAK!!

I confess, my name is Sharon Garner and I am a a Groupon junkie!!  I look at Groupon everyday to see if there is anything I have to have.  I think it paid off the other day.  I purchased the first thing for my classroom.  I got this pencil sharpener for $39.00!!!  I was quite excited.  I have hesitated to buy anything for my classroom because I have no grade preference (yet) for what I want to teach so it's very hard to start buying.  I hope this was a good purchase!



I have been trying to get my name out there in the blogging world.  I have been commenting and following blogs as much as I can.  I've entered a few give-a-ways and I actually won one!!!  Holly over at Fourth Grade Flipper had an awesome give-a-away for reaching 200 followers and I was winner number 2. I won some awesome TPT products!!  YAY ME!!  Thanks Holly!  I hope I can reach 200 followers and do a give-a-way!


I took three mid-terms.  I made 3 A's.  Scratch that.  I made 3 100's!!  I was a little excited!!!!!

UntitledUploaded from the Photobucket Android App    


And, on a personal note, we took the kids to the beach for fall break.  It was wonderful. So much better than going in the summer!  I think we will be going every October.

And, while we were there Ms. Thang got her ears pierced!!

I've got some more stuff going on that I'd like to tell you about, but this post is already long enough!  Stay tuned!

Saturday, October 6, 2012


I just found this cool blog (Oh' Boy 4th Grade).  Apparently, I am a little behind because she is hosting a linky party and everybody's doing it.  She does this cool thing called "Currently."  So, here is mine...

I absolutely love the Berenstain Bears.  My kids love them and I love the lessons they teach.  If you invite me to your child's birthday party....they will be getting Berenstain Bears books.  Here is the one I chose for my favorite fall book:

The Berenstain Bears Give Thanks

I am sure my list of favorites will grow as I begin teaching and have more exposure to some really cool books!  I love books!! 

I am sure I could find time to start running again if someone would buy me these:

Oh, and in case you are wondering, here is the awesome love note I got this week.  My husband would probably kill me for posting this, but I'm about 99% sure he does not read my blog.  He's such a guy!

Well, that's all for now...I have to go shopping now....

(My next thing to figure out: How to include a cool signature with each blog post!)

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Student Tennessee Education Association

This weekend I went to the STEA conference in Nashville.  I thought STEA stood for Student Teacher Education Association.  Nope!  It's stands for Student Tennessee Education Association.  I guess 3 out of 4 words in the acronym is pretty good!

One of the perks of going to any event is the free t-shirt.  Come on, I mean that's the only reason I run races or go to conferences, right?  Imagine my surprise when we saw that the tshirt was bright yellow!!!  Pretty sure I won't be wearing this shirt anywhere other than Walmart. 

Friday night was opening night.  I really enjoyed chatting with and getting to know my classmates.  They had karaoke right after the dinner, but I quickly left before I made a fool of myself.  The theme of the conference was "The SuperPower of Teaching."  Very true.  Several members from other schools dressed up like superheroes.  I'm not that brave!

Saturday morning started the breakout sessions.  First I went to:

-10 Fun Hands on Math Activities to Teach Common Core Standards

Drs. Jeremy and Stephanie Wendt did this session and they were great!  He gave us the link to his handouts, which were awesome!  I love math so I was right at home.  You can find it here if you are interested. 

Next I went to:

-How to Get a Job, Administrators' Perspectives

That was very informative, but a lot of common sense.  I mean, do people really talk on their cell phones while waiting in the lobby for a interview?  Come on people!  Actually, go right ahead and do that people.....makes my chances of getting the job you want much better!

Finally, I went to:

-Ag Can be Fun

It was awesome!  Carole Willis from MTSU did this session and she was wonderful.  She told us about so many resources that are available to use.  The Tennessee Farm Bureau is FULL of resources for teachers, many of which are free!  She gave us a ton of resources too.

During lunch someone came around and gave us this book.  Party Favor, I guess.

After our sessions we ate lunch, nominated our friends for officers, and ended the conference. 

Friday, September 21, 2012

First Day in the Classroom

Yesterday was my first day in the classroom.  I have one class that should be called "Classroom Observation".  I'm not sure what it is called.  Anyway, it requires 30 hours of observation time.  I got assigned a Kindergarten class.  I was kinda bummed about getting Kindergarten since Callie just finished Kinder and I spent so much time in her classroom.  I wanted to get a grade that I was a little less familiar with.  Oh well!  I was so nervous to meet the teacher.  I REALLY want her to like me.  So what did I do?  I baked!  Yes, I baked her a pie.  Am I kissing up?  Maybe....hopefully it will work!  I tried to find a cute saying to go with the pie, but this was the best I could come up with.  Yes, I'm a dork!  I also took the opportunity to bake for Callie's teacher as well.

Here I am.  Ready to meet the teacher...and the students.

I think I need a haircut.  I'm at that critical I let it grow out a little, or get it cut short again?  Decisions, Decisions.
I had a good day in the classroom. She only has 17 students. I was so shocked.  I expected to see at least 23.  Her actual classroom is HUGE!  I'm sure it would be nice to have that much space but whew, not sure I would want that much space to decorate.  She was really awesome and I think I will be able to learn a lot from her.  This is her first year in Kinder.
Then, I went to my afternoon class where I believe our Professor is trying to scare us and weed out the weak ones.  I will not let him scare me....I can do this!
My next thing to figure to use different fonts on my blog.  This one is getting quite boring.
If any teachers actually read my blog (which I doubt considering I have 2, What advice do you have for me about my first few experiences in the classroom? I want to just jump in there, but I also want to follow the direction of my teacher.  I don't want her to think I'm being too timid, but I also don't want to get in her way.  I feel like any teacher having a student could be a nuisance so I want to know my place as much as possible.  

Friday, September 14, 2012

Introducing Desert Sky Elementary

So, I am in a cohort with about 25 people.  I love this part of my program!  I go to class everyday with the same people.  Everyone in my cohort is awesome!  I'm really enjoying getting to know everyone in our group.  But, my table is super awesome!  We are our own elementary school.  So, let me introduce you to Desert Sky Elementary. 

From Left to Right:
Stephanie is our kindergarten teacher.
Tiffany is our third grade teacher.
I am the second grade teacher.
Brandi is our first grade teacher.

Stephanie and I have been friends for a year now.  We took a class together last fall, spring, and summer.  She is the bomb!!!  She is married with a sweet little girl named Scarlett.  I am so glad that we are doing this program together.  Did I say she was the bomb?

Tiffany is from Hendersonville and is in super love with her boyfriend!  I think they have been together since the third grade or something crazy like that.  She loves going to football games and she works at Panera.  She's waiting for a ring!! 

Brandi is a fellow White House girl.  She loves horses and has a few.  She's in super love with her boyfriend too!!  Brandi is our resident over-achiever and we love her for it!!

Our assignment yesterday was to work on a budget for Mary Jane and make a chart.  I think ours was super cute!

I made an A on my first paper with a very scary teacher.  YAY!!  I love the fact that he drew a smiley on my paper.  :)  He's kinda scary, but he's super cool too. 

My first few weeks are going very well.  I think that's about to change and I'm about to get VERY, VERY busy!  I start my time in the schools next week.  Stay tuned......

Monday, September 3, 2012

What scares me?

We were asked in class this week what scares us the most about becoming a teacher. 

This is what scares me the most:

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Here I go...

Here I go.  My first post.  I've spend the last year taking several prerequisite classes to get my ready to enter into the teaching program. I have officially been accepted into the TSU/VOL STATE Elementary Education program for this fall. Lord willing, I will graduate in the spring of 2014 with my certifications to teach K-6. I am very nervous about this fall and getting more involved with my schooling and trying to be the best I can be, all while trying to be the best wife and mother I can be as well. I can't believe I thought I was busy when I was in college the first time!

I love teacher blogs. I can't wait to use them as a tool when I start teaching. I'd love to have my own as well. I thought I could use this blog to help me get started so that when I'm teaching, I will already know the tricks of the blogging trade. Feel free to follow my Quest for the Classroom.

Well, here I go. Ready for orientation.

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I had no idea at orientation that getting registered for classes would be as rough as it was. was rough. I am officially registered and my books are on their way. Hallelujah! It was a long road to get this:

There is no stopping me now.  Here I go......